There is no shape without witness, there is no place for shame,
Feelings change their face everyday, there's no one to blame.
Destiny is an oneiric fraud, head toward the infinite path,
So lend your ear, listen carefully and forget about wrath.
None around, no one to blame you, nothing to be wrong,
Open your heart, your real mind, is your soul strong?
There's not a single beholder, so there's no fame.
Reinvent yourself, you're the ambitious and the aim.
The words will fall silent, the guts will forget what is lack,
So shatter your chains, overlook whatever holds you back.
You can easily get off, the whole world is not enough,
Sadness is just a word, the entire reality is a bluff.
Take off your deceitful mask and tell me what you want,
I don't know why you are terrorized, let's start our haunt.
I'll tell you about this game, perception is the bait.
Why are we delayed? There's no time, never too late.
Have no fear for the tangibility, it's just a turning wheel
Once you see the true entities, you'll break the seal.
Don't put your eyes on ashes, step forward your roots.
There's no aid, there's no trade, it belongs to you.